Turn up the flame…

with a sizzling Hybrid Cloud Solution by Melillo!

Melillo Delivers on the Sizzle of Hybrid Cloud with Dell APEX

If you’ve read Melillo’s research paper on Hybrid Cloud you’ll see that there are in fact speed bumps that can get in the way of a purely beneficial transition to this model that has been at the crux of technology conversations. Serving as an extension of the traditional cloud architecture with the ability to blend infrastructure on demand, the hybrid cloud solves many of the core limitations of conventional cloud computing. But despite its vast benefits, many enterprises struggle to adequately implement a Hybrid Cloud strategy.

The Challenge with Hybrid Cloud

According to Tech Republic’s 2022 Global Hybrid Cloud Trends Report of 2,500 IT leaders, 82% of businesses have adopted the hybrid cloud.3 However, among those that have made the shift, many struggle to make sense of their disparate cloud environments, overwhelmed by the separate tool sets, providers, and skillsets required for each cloud platform.
hybrid cloud graph
Dell APEX Look Book laptop

The Solution for Maximizing Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

To reap the benefits of a hybrid cloud model, businesses need to adopt an approach to the hybrid cloud that enables a consistent, simplified, and secure operational experience across the multi-clouds. Today, as-a-service has grown to include Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Together, the three as-a-Service models offer a viable solution to this problem, combining compute, storage, and networking in one unified (uncomplicated) approach.

Dell APEX Hybrid Cloud from Melillo is the Answer

As cloud technology continues to evolve to make interconnectivity between platforms easier for organizations, solutions like Dell Apex Hybrid Cloud that offer one common management framework, security, and workload mobility across multiple clouds help businesses achieve consistent and secure operations across environments.

Ready to learn more?

With Dell APEX Hybrid Cloud from Melillo you’ll experience:
  • An As a Service scalable cloud infrastructure for compute, storage, and networking
  • A consistent operations framework, no matter where you run your workloads
  • Pay-as-you-go flexibility for significant cost savings
  • Enhanced security over the entire hybrid cloud environment
  • A seamless way to move workloads between clouds to accommodate shifts in demand Realize Measurable Business
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Schedule your 20 minute meeting now!

Feed your Infrastructure!

To thank you for learning more about how Melillo implements Dell APEX Hybrid Cloud, we’d like to offer you an Omaha Steaks Gift Card!*
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But Wait, There’s More!

The top benefits of Dell APEX include the following:
  • Deploy new storage capacity up to 60% faster1
  • Achieve up to 39% lower cost of operations over three years1
  • Reduce unplanned outages by up to 64% per year1
  • Realize up to 171% three-year incremental ROI2
  • Avoid re-architecting and migration costs by up to $1,197 per VM2
  • Cut IT management time by 19%2

Join us for a one-on-one discussion
with a Melillo Cloud Expert

*After your meeting, we’ll be happy to reward you with your gift card.
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Hybrid Cloud Resources

2 A Forrester Total Economic ImpactTM Study, commissioned by Dell Technologies, VMware and Intel, “The Total Economic Impact of APEX Cloud Services,” July 2020.
3 Tech Republic’s 2022 Global Hybrid Cloud Trends Report